AWAKEN YOUR INTUITION! Learn to Recognize, Acknowledge and Use Your Inner GPS to Manifest Your Desires  

What if the most lucrative business tool, the one that could exponentially grow your income, was FREE for you to use?

It is! What the top 2% know is that INTUITION is the key that unlocks the door to the highest level of success!

“I rely far more on gut instinct than researching huge amounts of statistics.” – Billionaire Richard Branson

If you:

  • Are confused about how to position your purposeful work… Feel disconnected from your intuition and no longer trust your own instincts…
  • Are struggling with disempowering beliefs regarding sales or money…
  • Experience cash shortages just a little more than you like… Compare yourself to others and feel you’re not enough
  • Feel like your life is stuck and you want to get unstuck… Dread sales conversations because they usually end up being a waste of your time…
  • Would like to use your Intuition for a more abundant, successful way of life

I have news for you.

You don’t need to struggle anymore!

Your Intuition is a proven, effective and enlightening way to gain the tools and wisdom you need to harness the power of your intuition and change your results in business and in life!

It’s time to free yourself from the fear and limiting beliefs that are keeping you and your business stuck!

Imagine how you would feel if getting what you wanted in life was easy and fun!

Plus, a conditional money-back guarantee…

If you complete the entire course, attend every call, and do the inner work and don’t see a change in your life, you’ll receive your money back!

Your work and life means a lot to you. You probably spent a great deal of time imagining how amazing it would be to be independent. And now that you’re here, maybe you’re a little disappointed that it’s so much harder than you thought?


There is an easy button you haven’t found yet and that button is your intuition!

That little voice in your head, or that feeling in your gut, is the key to finding ultimate success, both personally and professionally.


Because when you learn how to partner with your intuition, your challenges are all but eliminated! You can see them coming and get ahead of them!

You just need a guide to help you learn to hear it, hone it…and trust it.

Imagine how it will feel to:

  • Easily attract more clients, more sales and more abundance
  • Have more ease in relating with strangers and in your relationships
  • Discover who you are and reconnect with your Divine Self so that you can confidently lead any conversation whether it is business or personal
  • Connect with your soul and intuition, and get clear on your purpose in life
  • Let go of the distracting chatter in your mind
  • Free yourself from fear, worry and disempowering beliefs
  • Create a positive, loving and peaceful mindset even under pressure
  • Manifest your desires because you’ll finally know which path or idea is likely to be the most abundant for you
  • Build powerful people connections that serve you and humanity
  • Love yourself, others and make connections on a heart level

Let me ask you…

When you take a good long look at how things are going for you, are you happy with what you see? Do you love yourself and where you are in life? No? Guess what? Most of us have felt like this – including me. And believe me, I hit rock bottom with it. My own journey to self-love and respecting my intuition came when I finally listened to what my heart was saying…that I was living with a husband who did not love me. If he did, he wouldn’t hit me. Or go out with other women behind my back. I finally woke up and realized I was worth more than that and divorced him (not that it was easy)! I was so hurt that I didn’t know if I’d ever overcome the pain. However, as I went through the process, I surprised myself – I was healing! I healed through paying attention to my self-esteem, my inner voice and self-worth. I healed through coaching and counseling. Eventually, I even healed through helping other women realize their self-love, self-worth and the validity of their own dreams.

By then, not only had a whole new world opened up to me, but I found my purpose in life—helping other people listen to the nudges, warnings, connect to their Divine Self, and the advice of their inner voice as a path to a new and extraordinary life!

I’ve never looked back. In fact, I took the same intuition I had unlocked during the healing process, and used it to grow a lucrative coaching/counseling business! And now, I want to bring my twenty years of experience to you, to help you get out of your rut, exceed your goals, and get the love and happiness you deserve! I have now helped hundreds of clients all over the world, and I know what works.

I have broken it down into a simple step-by-step system which contains my best tools and secrets to help you create the life you’ve always dreamed of by establishing a direct line between YOU and your GUT INSTINCT! 

You are worthy of this life transformation!

Start using your intuition to grow, become empowered to make any change or decision easily and to get MORE.

  • More happiness
  • More clients, sales
  • Better relationships
  • More love, joy, contentment
  • Healthy Body, life style
I’m so excited to guide you on this journey.   Don’t settle for a life of “good enough” when you can have a life that is extraordinary!

“I had been feeling quite tired and seemed to have run out of steam. I thought perhaps the shifting planetary frequencies were affecting my energetic body. Well, Dr. Ida Green invited me to receive an energetic healing through her Regeneration & Igniting the Energy Field process. The timing was perfect. I felt immersed in a beautiful, relaxing field of love and light. Within minutes I seemed to have restored my life force. Dr. Ida worked on various Chakras and released constrictions infusing me with sacred grace and life-force energy. I recommend Dr. Ida Greene as a profound intuitive healer.”  

“Dr. Greene has been an amazing guide for me. Being in the middle of an incredible shift in my life, transitioning from one chapter to another, Dr. Greene has helped enlighten me to, and affirm me with the next steps I need to take to stay focused, confident and successful. She has taught me how to still the thoughts in my mind to identify my intuition and also how to easily and effectively listen to it.  

The communication between us has been a gentle comfort, allowing me honestly to let my guard down and open my mind to the vast reality of the endless possibilities in life which is no longer overwhelming to me but extremely exciting! I am forever thankful to have worked with Dr. Greene and hope to continue to rely on her for further guidance and understanding.”  

— Gabrielle

Why Intuition?

Our intuition is the elixir that flows through every cell in our body. There is a sleeping giant within us, and our intuition awakens us to it. Our intuition: 
  • Is a part of our Divine Self, our High Self.
  • Is all-wise, all-loving, all-knowing.
  • Finds no fault or judgment
  • Is fearless, abundant, and prosperous
  • Knows nothing about disease, problems, self-doubt, confusion or conflict
We all have intuition, given to us by God/Source. However, we must activate this energy for its divine, energetic, loving rays to radiate into the world. I want to create a more peaceful, loving world, and increasing our connection to Source/God using intuition is the key. I feel it is important for us all to learn how to live from our Divine Intuitive Self, and that’s the basis of this transformative program.


Module One – Program Overview 

Program Over view – remember to check daily with your intuition to notice what you are seeing, feeling, and hearing because you will decide how Source is speaking to you through your knowing clair cognizant, vision-clairvoyant, clairaudient hearing or clairsentient- feelings. This is an experiential course.  You will be given the course outline and it is your responsibility to read all materials given you.   

  • Find out who you REALLY are (expect many aha! moments!)
  • Intuition VS Logic
  • Discover how to connect with the powerful, perfect, wise part of yourself
  • Learn how to connect with your inner spirit and Higher Self

Module Two – Activate Your Intuition 

  • Become a master of inspired action and achieve more with less effort 
  • Why it is to your advantage to awaken your intuition and use it to serve yourself and the people you meet on a daily basis. 
  • You are a miracle magnet – learn the surprising way to turn your switch on 
  • Activation of Your Intuition, connect with your DIVINE Self

Module Three – Inner Spirit, Divine Self & Personal Power (This is huge! The most successful people on the planet are LEADING with their Divine Selves!) 

  • The benefits of Meditation (going into the silence).
  • Calm the chatter in your mind daily to focus, concentrate and connect with Source/Creator to start anticipating and easily get messages from God/Source
  • The secrets to harness your personal power so that you show up to every call, every networking event, every DAY as the most confident version of yourself!
  • Practice, what you learned; Read the energy of Dr. Ida or give her a message 
Disclaimer: The information contained on this (website offer) offer is only a suggestion; it is what I do and have found to work for my clients. I am not liable for any mishaps pertaining to my advice. If your situation requires you to see a doctor, please do so.

What other clients are saying…

“I have been working with Dr. Ida Greene for a while now. After shutting off my intuition years ago, I felt as if I had lost my gifts forever. But, within the first week of working with Dr. Ida, I had regained most of what I had lost. The work I have done with Dr. Ida allows me to work on a much deeper level with my clients and even guides me in finding new clients. I am learning to trust my Intuition as a tool in all areas of my business. I am truly grateful for her insight and guidance, and I plan on continuing to deepen my learnings with her in the future.”  

— Becky Hess The Hess Group

“After my consultation, with Dr. Ida, I was convinced that what she shared with me came from the Divine. ”  

— Lisa Blalock, Moms Helping Moms

“I have been working with Dr. Ida Greene for quite a while, and I noticed a significant change in myself from being “left brained” to now tapping into my intuition. And the women in my business have noticed a difference in me. I went to court last week and practiced using my intuition in the courtroom, and the court was able to see through the motives of the people who claimed I owed them a lot of money and the judge told me that I did not owe them anything. I will continue to work with Dr. Ida because what she teaches works for men as well as women.”  

— Scott

“I had lost my intuitive abilities and was able to reestablish my intuition in Dr. Ida’s Intuition Magic Group Coaching Program. My intuition increased considerably after going through the program.”  

— Jeanette A. Sotomayor

“I had an Intuitive Business Diagnostic session with Dr. Ida Greene and received clear information about my business that I could use immediately.”  

— Veronica Rozenfeld, Business Coach

“Today I had an INCREDIBLE session with Dr. Ida Greene!! If you need insight on any business or personal situation and have a chance to have a session with her yourself, I highly recommend it!! I am blown away by her intuitive gifts. I’m still speechless by the physical changes I felt, and something she mentioned has already happened just four hours later!!! Thank you, Ida! You are a bright light, and I’m blessed to know you! “

— Gina Hussar

You may be wondering if you can learn how to use your intuition and change your life in just under 7 weeks,

I’m here to tell you that you CAN.

Because I’ve taken everything I’ve learned on my personal journey and in my professional life as a nurse, therapist and life coach and condensed the most useful and transformative information into this program.

You’ll get all the benefits I have reaped, WITHOUT having to wait years for them and without having to make the mistakes I made along the way.

I’ve put it all together for you.

Now you just need to decide that you’re worthy of the investment. I already know you are.

I look forward to you joining me on this amazing journey!

–Dr. Ida

P.S. This Intuition Activation Spiritual Initiation program has an Intuition Activation to activate your Inner Guidance, plus it comes with two fabulous bonuses when you act now!: Limited Belief Obliterator, and Energetic Alignment to connect your body,mind and soul for a stronger connect to the Divine, and  what your soul came to do in this lifetime. Your total Investment in your Worthy Diviine SELF is Priceless. Limited spots availabe so act now!  Let’s Schedule a time to access what your soul needs to evolve to be its optimal best self at:

Wishing you could get a direct answer from the Divine? You can! We’ll tap into your Inner Knowing to get the information your left brain cannot provide, to give you clarity, and hear the information that God/Source or your Spirit Guide wants you to know.

Bonus 1: Activation of Your Intuition $1,000.00  

In this session I will connect you with God, Your Divine, High-Self. This session also aligns and balances all of your chakras, clears your auras and removes all blockages from your body, allowing your “chi” life force to flow more easily. Restoring your energy flow is vital to the full expression of your purpose!
This session will balance and energetically align your chakras to remove blocks to your finances, love life, health, and life purpose. An energetic clearing helps you to release old behavior patterns, outmoded beliefs, and uproot unwanted painful memories from the past to have a mind of wealth, success, health and love. We can also determine if past life experiences are getting in the way of present life success. This is a game-changer!

Your investment to Awaken Your Intuition Program is customized to fit your needs. Plus you get a Free Soul Reading fast action bonus (valued at $150) when you enroll now! So book your session now at.

Plus, a conditional money-back guarantee…

If you complete the entire course, attend every call, complete the inner work and don’t see a change in your life you will receive 100% of your money back, no questions asked!

That’s how sure I am that this intuitive transformation will change your business, and your life!